After re-reading yesterday's post on Jury Duty, I realized there were a couple of things I'd left out that I wanted to clarify.
First of all, I know it is my civic duty to be part of a jury when so called. The selfish part of me didn't want to do it because it would mess up "my" schedule. Isn't it funny how we get so possessive of our time?
I had an honest conversation with God about the whole process. First, I told him I didn't really want to do it because I felt like I just didn't have the time. He already knew what I was thinking, right, so I just went ahead and said it.
Second, I asked him to use me. I try to look at situations as opportunities in some way to be his hands and feet, and as I walked into the courthouse, I had that frame of mind. Whether it be the semi-retired lady standing on one side or the substitute teacher on the other, I want him to use me to leave each place in some way better than when I found it.
The other thing I really wanted to touch on was that although the accuser no longer has a basis for accusing once we have asked for forgiveness, by his very nature, that's what he does. He always tries to take what doesn't belong to him. We have a choice to allow his words to penetrate our mind or to reject them.
I love Phillipians 4:8 because it tells us what to think about. "...whatsoever things are TRUE, whatsoever things are HONEST, whatsoever things are JUST, whatsoever things are PURE, whatsoever things are LOVELY, whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT; if there be any VIRTUE, and if there be any PRAISE, think on these things."
It's a good measuring stick for all of those thoughts rolling around in our head. If the thoughts that are popping into our head don't fit in those categories, we don't have to claim them and nurture them because they aren't coming from the Lover of our Soul, the one who breathed life into us and has an incredible plan for us.
2 Corinthians 10:5 is another one of my favorites because it reminds us that we have authority over our thoughts as well. "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;"
Every time I read that verse I have a mental picture of taking a big lasso and capturing the thoughts, binding up the wrong ones and setting free the right ones. Yee Haw!!
We are so blessed to be able to walk daily in the forgiveness that has already been paid for and the hope that doesn't disappoint. Don't you agree?
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